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Longthorns Journey see how we went from
This to This 

View from Woodland Field.JPG

Longthorns Farm was a new unexpected start for us, the farm had been empty for over 2 years,  it is part of Drax Estate and had been occupied by different tenants over the years, although the house had had an update, the rest of the farm, was in a sorry state and didn't have a building that didn't leak. 

We moved into the farmhouse for Christmas 2007, Mark had spent the previous months down on the farm fencing the main camping to get the site ready for opening. 

We set about improving the site, starting with a portable toilet unit 2 toilets and 1 shower and Thunderbox compost toilets.  We set up a small Honesty Shop and washing up sink, and opened for camping in Easter 2008.

Our FaceBook journey started in 2009, so lots of photos were posted  as Longthorns grew, behind  the scenes  we were clearing,  and renewing,  planning a future 

Mark  & Sally 

Longthorns farm Entrance

Longthorns farm Entrance

2007 entrance

New front drive fencing

New front drive fencing

New fencing and safe pull-in off the road.

Before The main camping Field

Before The main camping Field

The start of the main camping field being re-fenced and over hanging tree branches trimmed

After Main Camping Field _edited

After Main Camping Field _edited

1st portable toilets

1st portable toilets

1st Toilets 2 toilets One shower

Thunderbox Compost Toilets

Thunderbox Compost Toilets

1st Thunderbox compost toilets



Our Rubbish collecter_edited

Our Rubbish collecter_edited

Hippo Buggy & Easter Egg Huntt

Hippo Buggy & Easter Egg Huntt

Rubbish collection upgraded to an Electric Buggy & 1st of many Easter Egg Hunts🐣

View into the old farmyard

View into the old farmyard

There wasn't one roof that didn't leak!

Over lines and old barn

Over lines and old barn

View looking up to what is now the reception and The Parlour. All overhead telegraph poles have been removed and all the electric supply is now underground.



Old farm Yard

Old farm Yard

The old farm yard, this old building was demolished and all the bricks were reclaimed to make the wall around The Parlour Patio.

Back of the Parlour

Back of the Parlour

Back of the Parlour

Chao's in the Lamb field

Chao's in the Lamb field

Shetland sheep in the paddock



We cleared up years of old farming bits left behind.

View of the Alpaca field

View of the Alpaca field

View of the Alpaca field, barbed wire everywhere

Rebuidling Collaped Hay barn _edited

Rebuidling Collaped Hay barn _edited

Collaped barn  _edited

Collaped barn _edited

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

Explore our woodlands walk here

woodlands walk1.webp

Woodlands Walk

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